MB Collection loyalty Program


Customers that contact a company frequently are rewarded with customer loyalty programmes. It's a method for keeping clients by enticing them to keep purchasing from your company rather than one of your rivals. Customers receive more incentives the more they spend or interact with the brand. For our regular customers, Mb collections has just launched their loyalty point program. Our loyalty points include the easy ways to earn and easy ways to redeem. To join our loyalty points program follow the given steps. You can see the star icon at the left bottom of the website. Click on it to join our loyalty points program.
  • After that, Click on the join now button. The login and register page will be open.
  • If you already have an account login by entering your email and password and if you don't have an account create an account and register to start earning the points.
Ways to Earn the Loyalty Points MB Collections create three easiest ways to earn loyalty points:
  • Earn 2500 loyalty points for the first time you sign up.
  • Earn 5000 loyalty points if you refer your link to friends & family. Referral Link is given at the end of your account page.
  • Earn 1 loyalty point for every 1Rs spent every time.
NOTE: FOR EVERY 100 POINTS YOU GET 1Rs DISCOUNT. Ways to Redeem the Loyalty Points MB Collections Create easiest ways to .redeem the loyalty points:
  • Earn 50,000points and receive Rs 500 discount
  • Earn 100,000 points and receive Rs 1000 discount
  • Earn 200,000 points and receive Rs 2000 discount
Way to Proceed the Loyalty Points Click on points in my account to see your current loyalty points you earned by using ways to earn. You can use these points at the checkout time. On the checkout page, you can see the apply points bar where you can put as many points as you want for a discount. For example, if you earned 100,000 loyalty points you can apply these points at the checkout time in the points bar and proceed. On the next page, Voila! You can withdraw 1000 Rs off from your grand total. Keep shopping and gain more points for your next order. Hope you like and are satisfied with our Loyalty Rewards program and support it! We'll keep bringing such entertaining activities in future for you guys as well. Stay Tuned & Join the program today by clicking here.